

[PMBOK7] Interpersonal Skills: My Interpretation - Experiences and Insights

EI(Emotional Intelligence )

Related Articles: 【About EI and Emotional Competence: Discussion & Guide】


Realistic Self-appraisal

Definition: The ability to accurately evaluate one's strengths and limitations.

If mature defense mechanisms are not functioning properly, one may easily lose their ability for realistic self-appraisal. Moreover, in such a state, individuals might inadvertently put themselves into contradictory situations, akin to a double bind. 
Reference:【Defence mechanism - Wikipedia】 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defence_mechanism
Related Articles:【Characteristic Psychological Defenses, Pathologies, and Therapies in Each Stage of Adult Ego Development: Ken Wilber's Integral Psychology: Chapter 8】


Definition: Embracing one's strengths, weaknesses, successes, and failures.

Related Articles:【About Acceptance: Discussion & Guide】

Emotional Recognition

Definition: The ability to identify one's emotions and moods, and understand their origins.

Related Articles:【About Meditation: Discussion & Guide】
Related Articles:【Practicing Emotional Metacognition】
Related Articles:【Practicing As-Is Analysis of Emotions】


Definition: Establishing a perception or image of oneself.

Related Articles:【About Personal Boundaries: Discussion & Guide】


Perspectives on Developmental Stages:

Values vary according to the stage of ego development, and consequently, so do rewards and motivation.

参考:【自我の発達:包容力を増してゆく9つの段階/スザンヌ・クック=グロイター】 https://integraljapan.net/articles/JTA2018EgoDevelopment.htm
Related Articles:【My Developmental History: In Light of Ego Development Theory】

Enneagram (Riso): A typology of human personality which can provide insights into motivations, fears, and desires at different stages of personal growth.

John Rowan: Intuition Across Stages of Ego Development.
Related Articles:【Intuition Across Stages of Ego Development】

Ken Wilber: Developmental Lines multiple Intelligences
Related Articles:【[Ken Wilber's Integral Meditation]: Aligning Closely with My Core Values - Experiences and Insights】

Positive Psychology:

A branch of psychology that focuses on how people thrive, find satisfaction, and discover meaning in life. It investigates factors that promote strengths, virtues, talents, and optimal functioning, aiming to explore methods that lead individuals to lead a happier and more purposeful life.
Reference:【Positive psychology - Wikipedia】 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Positive_psychology


The ability to appropriately regulate one's emotions and adapt to various situations.
Related Articles:【About Ways to Increase Psychological Safety: Discussion & Guide】

Social Awareness

The capacity to understand others' emotions, needs, and concerns and act accordingly. This includes the ability to feel empathy.
Related Articles:【About Empathy: Discussion & Guide】
Related Articles:【About Emotional Contagion: Discussion & Guide】 
Related Articles:【The Four Quadrants of Integral Theory: Experiences and Insights】
Related Articles:【The Angles of Connection: Boundary, Relationship, Communication, Love (Soul)】

Relationship Management

The skill relationships to build, maintain, and strengthen with others. This encompasses effective communication, leadership, and conflict resolution, among other interpersonal interactions.
Related Articles:【About Communication Skills: Discussion & Guide: Intrapersonal Communication】
Related Articles:【About Double bind: Discussion & Guide】
Related Articles:【Emotional Contagion vs. Empathy: A Comparison】

Decision Making

Related Articles:【What is Value?: Value vs Values: The Origins of 'Good'"】

Conflict Management

Reference:【Project Management Body of Knowledge - Wikipedia】 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Management_Body_of_Knowledge
参考: 【Amazon.co.jp: プロジェクトマネジメント知識体系ガイド(PMBOKガイド)第7版+プロジェクトマネジメント標準: PMI日本支部 監訳 eBook : プロジェクトマネジメント協会(PMI): Kindle Store】