

About Dilemmas: Discussion & Guide【Project Design】

In this article, we provide links to all related information, from definitions to practical applications.


The Mysterious Role of Universal Dilemmas

Ever since before I became an adult and even now as I stand here, the idea of finding a way forward by overcoming challenges doesn't strike me as particularly novel.

From Japan's "After the rain, the ground hardens" and the legend of Susano-o, Daoist Yin and Yang philosophies, the Chinese story of "The old man who lost his horse," to Hegel's dialectic in Western philosophy, the biblical tales of Noah's Ark and the legend of the Phoenix, and even in Cinderella or the Dark Side in Star Wars. All of these narratives and philosophies hint at the significance and value of overcoming adversities. While at first glance, these stories and ideas may seem to hail from different cultural backgrounds, at their core, they address the same human dilemma: the growth and new values that can be realized by surmounting difficulties.

This universal phenomenon, deeply rooted in our daily lives, always seems to be the most "normal and ordinary" experience we face.

The Value of Recognizing Dilemmas: Enduring Without Clear Solutions

Countless dilemmas surround me, each offering not only challenges but also new perspectives and learnings. A deeply rooted belief within me is that "when a problem isn't apparent, the real issue lies beneath." The presence of these dilemmas allows me to recognize problems, leading me to explore new solutions and ways of thinking, adding essential value to my journey. Ironically, even the emotion that compels us to label something as a "problem" includes a dilemma in itself.

A belief deeply ingrained in me is that 'when a problem isn't apparent, that's when a true issue lies beneath.' The mere presence of these dilemmas prompts me to seek new solutions and ways of thinking, presenting intrinsic value to my journey. And ironically, sometimes the very emotion that compels me to label something as a 'problem' is the dilemma itself.

Our approach to dilemmas and the solutions we derive are profoundly influenced by our values and judgment criteria. Tied to these criteria are deep psychological facets, and I can sense their interplay with organizational culture and leadership. In moments when personal psychology intersects with organizational culture, I'm poignantly reminded of the significance of understanding dilemmas.

Moreover, through dilemmas related to "empathy" and "self-acceptance", and the insights garnered from overcoming them, I've carved out a direction for my future endeavors.

In this article, we will explore the essence of dilemmas, how they serve as hints to us, and delve deep into my personal experiences in grappling with them.

Unifying the Self: Cooperation and Innovation

I often find myself reflecting on concepts like the "Prisoner's Dilemma" and the "Innovation Dilemma".  

Loyalty to one's partner is, in this game, irrational. This particular assumption of rationality implies that the only possible outcome for two purely rational prisoners is betrayal, even though mutual cooperation would yield a greater net reward.

Reference:【Prisoner's dilemma - Wikipedia】 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prisoner%27s_dilemma

It describes how large incumbent companies lose market share by listening to their customers and providing what appears to be the highest-value products.

Reference:【The Innovator's Dilemma - Wikipedia】 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Innovator%27s_Dilemma

My Internal Prisoner's Dilemma:

Inside me, there are two facets: the "usual me" and another "hidden me." When these two don't cooperate, my performance significantly declines. Many of my past achievements were led by the "usual me." However, these accomplishments were often the result of the "usual me" moving forward without coordinating with the "hidden me." In fact, the "usual me" has frequently been uncooperative towards the "hidden me."

My Personal Innovation Dilemma

Continuously optimizing the "current me" runs the risk of missing out on the potential of a new me. I've increasingly come to view things from this perspective. I'm not always in pursuit of becoming a "new me"; I often feel the need to do my best as the "current me." Yet, at times, I realize that this stance can be conservative. Changes, growth, and the transformation into a new me are invariably taking place deep within my body and soul.

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The Power to Endure Suffering

In situations without a clear answer, I feel uneasy. There's a need for strength to coexist with this unease, especially when it's accompanied by its own challenging discomfort. Particularly in project management, where we get accustomed to projects with foreseeable futures, we are more likely to fall into a mindset of 'intolerance to ambiguity' under highly uncertain conditions. The emotions that serve as checkpoints for psychological safety are 'impatience' and 'avoidance of responsibility'. Even if the anxiety doesn't manifest directly, it's lurking in the shadows.
Related Articles:【Communication Styles Angles on Anxiety: A Reflection of Anxiety Coping Mechanisms】
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Especially important when in the midst of empathy, as emotions can become contagious and influence each other.
Related Articles:【Process of Deep Empathy: The Acceptance Angle】

Hints Toward Fear

There's a demand for the readiness to deny or lose one of the desires stemming from one's own weaknesses or wickedness. If not, one might end up losing even more, to the point of self-destruction.
Related Articles:【About Ways to Increase Psychological Safety: Discussion & Guide】

Division and Unity

It's not that "division is evil", but rather, the inability to unify the division becomes the cause of negative events.

This perspective, when applied to framing an individual's psychology as if it were an organization, often yields a multitude of applications in the same vein.

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Related Articles: 【Angle on Conflict: A Gateway to the Final Stages of Resolution and Personal Growth】
Related Articles: 【What is Value?: Value vs Values: The Origins of 'Good'"】

Using Frameworks: The Power of the Matrix

Divisional phenomena can also be seen in project organizations. In these instances, we consider the changes that come with emotions and the passage of time. Furthermore, we expand our analysis beyond traditional axes. For instance, just like the Growth-Share Matrix, which differentiates based on the degree of change and allocated resources, we delve deeper by categorizing resources and stakeholders in detail, and then re-analyze. In areas prone to emotional division or conflict, we clearly set boundaries and evaluate strategies to counteract emotional contagion within the matrix.

In entities such as the 'Project Management Office', multiple projects are cross-referenced, and the value of issue recognition is analyzed based on emotional states that impact resources. Even if the topics of issues and their resolutions are formally identical, the direction of value, points of compromise, and acceptable processes might vary.

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