

The Angles of Connection: Boundary, Relationship, Communication, Love (Soul)

In Japanese, the word for "human being" is written in kanji as "人間", combining the characters for "人" (person) and "間" (space or interval). Even just the character "人" (hito) can convey the same meaning on its own. However, we commonly use "人間" in daily life. This seemingly redundant expression fascinates me, drawing me not only to the rhythmic pleasure of the term but also to the profound meaning embodied by the "間" segment.

What we feel in our interactions with others is abstract and unique. Below are images of the four elements of relationship that I perceive in daily life:


This refers to the specific location where a relationship exists between myself and everything else. It's akin to an invisible line, serving as a measure to understand our distance and depth of involvement with others. One could also say the boundary is the place where the relationship resides.


This symbolizes the "content" found within the space delineated by the boundary. It reflects how we are connected to others and the essence of our interactions with them. Often, there's a distinction between objectively metacognizing this and subjectively experiencing it, as through emotional contagion or empathy. The concept of a double bind is one such example.
Related Articles:【About Double bind: Discussion & Guide】


This denotes the "flow" of information and emotions within the relationship. It's a dynamic element that reveals how we connect and interact with the other.
Related Articles:【About Communication Skills: Discussion & Guide: Intrapersonal Communication】

Love (Soul): 

This is the "stock" of energy or driving force that originates and sustains this flow or communication. Love, or the soul, is arguably the most crucial element within our relationality, forming the core of all relationships.

Related Articles:【About Personal Boundaries: Discussion & Guide】

Reference:【和辻哲郎 - Wikipedia】 https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%92%8C%E8%BE%BB%E5%93%B2%E9%83%8E