

The Four Quadrants of Integral Theory: Experiences and Insights

Related Articles:  #Integral Theory 
Related Articles: 【[Ken Wilber's Integral Psychology]: Experiences and Insights】 

My impressions of Wilber's Four Quadrants are threefold:

  1. This feels essentially similar in some way to the SECI model.
  2. It is akin to the philosophy of Omi merchants, focusing on the object of consciousness.
  3. The lack of organization in the second-person aspect hinders reaching inclusiveness; it seems to be in a preliminary stage before differentiation and transcendence.

Over the past few years, my focus has not been on the interface between mind and matter, but rather on the space between self and other, particularly in the interplay between the first and second quadrants of Wilber's model. As Wilber points out, scientific materialism seems to excessively split the self from the other. Thus, there is a sensed need to unravel the dual misunderstanding between the inter-human and the psycho-material interfaces. Or perhaps, there's a need for a careful explanation of the 'imaginary axis' or the 'We' space that lies between the individual and social systems. For instance, in a future where aiming for teal organizations becomes normal in society, fundamental changes in education and choices in long-term investments are likely to occur. Currently, emotional contagion is often dismissed as occult or pseudoscience, which can breed prejudice, so it's not something that can be discussed lightly. However, I also feel that it might be unlikely that the four quadrants will become overly fragmented in the future. It seems as though evolution is not promised by some godlike entity, nor do we possess the energy to be pulled apart to such an extent. As of 2023, empathy is a keyword in marketing, and communication is crucial in organizational development.

What is Four Quadrants?:

Reference:【10.1177_2164956120952733-fig3.jpeg (2991×2851)】 https://journals.sagepub.com/cms/10.1177/2164956120952733/asset/images/large/10.1177_2164956120952733-fig3.jpeg

"Interior individual/1st person": the subjective world, the individual subjective sphere;
"Interior collective/2nd person": the intersubjective space, the cultural background;
"Exterior individual/3rd person": the objective state of affairs;
"Exterior collective/3rd person": the functional fit, "how entities fit together in a system".
Reference:【Ken Wilber - Wikipedia】 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ken_Wilber#Theory_of_truth

Yuval Noah Harari, in 'Homo Deus,' categorizes reality into subjective, objective, and intersubjective (fictional) realities. This classification bears resemblance to Ken Wilber's Quadrant Theory.
Related Articles:【Yuval Noah Harari's 'Homo Deus': Impressions and Lasting Thoughts】 

Inclusive and Transcendent Spiral Dynamics:

I've envisioned Wilber's four quadrants as similar to trigonometric functions. The centrifugal direction is where one aims, with changes in the rotational angle due to opposition and sublation. At the center's origin, there's a sense of 'emptiness' or 'voidness.' When the perspective shifts along the XYZ axes, the movement morphs into waves and rotations, tracing a spiral in one direction. This visualization, where the heart and body serve as the origin, dividing into pairs with and without mass like a reflection in a mirror, brings to mind the complex number plane and conjures a sense of mysticism. It suggests a mysterious axis and rotation that serve as a bridge between materialism and spiritualism.

参考:【三角関数 - Wikipedia】 https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E4%B8%89%E8%A7%92%E9%96%A2%E6%95%B0


SECI model:

The SECI model is a process of drawing a spiral between subjective introspection and external communication, and these four quadrants show the relationship that includes the direction, stages, and interdependence of the resulting creative product. I think so.
Related Articles:【About SECI model of knowledge dimensions: Discussion & Guide: Tacit Knowledge】

The Omi merchants' business philosophy:

The Omi merchants' business philosophy, known as "Sanpo Yoshi" ("good for three sides"), is widely recognized and reflects the idea that good business not only satisfies both buyer and seller but also contributes to society.
参考:【近江商人 - Wikipedia】 https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E8%BF%91%E6%B1%9F%E5%95%86%E4%BA%BA

Differentiation of Value

According to Wilber, a pattern exists where what was once conflated at a previous stage becomes differentiated in the next, and these differentiated concepts then re-integrate and transcend without overly fragmenting, marking an evolutionary pattern.

I often feel that the concept of communication has not been sufficiently differentiated, being conflated with other ideas. The same goes for design.
Development and evolution involve the interplay between subject and object. I believe that by delving deeper into communication, we can differentiate what is confused and achieve reintegration. This process is the core module of life's development, the issue at the heart of design, and the incremental "way (Dou)" found in agile culture and design thinking.
Related Articles:【Communication Flowchart: Key Points of My Methodology】
Related Articles:【About Agile: Discussion & Guide: Japan's Ancient Method】

To me, communication embodies the hints and core modules of evolution and creation through differentiation, division, conflict, and the process of inclusion and transcendence. Since my student days, I've been intrigued by what constitutes creative debate—not to determine a winner but to explore dialogues that lead to 'sublation' or 'aufheben,' the dialectical process of synthesizing opposites.

In practice, I view conflicts as something to be carried and transcendence as something to be enveloped within a framework of values. The relationship between me and you, me and society (the "Its"), bears a resemblance to the internal dialogue within myself, and feels akin to the relationship between a mother and father.
Reference:【Attachment theory - Wikipedia】 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attachment_theory
Reference:【Oedipus complex - Wikipedia】 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oedipus_complex

Furthermore, I observe that members of an organization often embody the deeper psychological aspects of their leader, each person taking on specific roles that reflect these subconscious elements. I also carefully consider the possibility that the causes of inevitable double binds may lie here, no matter how consciously we aim to eliminate them.
Related Articles:【About Double bind: Discussion & Guide】
参考:【働きアリの法則 - Wikipedia】 https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%83%8D%E3%81%8D%E3%82%A2%E3%83%AA%E3%81%AE%E6%B3%95%E5%89%87

My interest lies in the "WE" quadrant, the second-person perspective. This quadrant offers insights into the causes, processes, and outcomes of communication. I understand why Wilber chose "We" instead of "You," considering the collective aspect of human emotional behavior.
Related Articles:【About Communication Skills: Discussion & Guide: Intrapersonal Communication】

In Wilber's quadrants, the first-person perspective is akin to a deep introspection session, where 'I' am engaging with 'us' in a realm that feels both personal and collective. In Japan, the term for 'human being' is composed of the characters for 'person' and 'space,' which together articulate the intrinsic nature of being human — a concept that has seamlessly integrated into my understanding through my studies and practices in management.

Deepening my understanding of the two "Interior" quadrants, I found that appreciating boundaries, emotional contagion, and acceptance was crucial. This required the skill of "emotional metacognition," which I acquired through repeated introspection. This includes shadow work and can be considered a form of self-transcendence. Currently, I believe that the self realized in self-actualization is found amidst self-transcendence.
Related Articles:【About Empathy: Discussion & Guide】

As for the third-person world, I trust the contemporary exploration by many in the realm of science, being cautious only of phenomena that lead to excessive belief. 
For example, when people's faith in science becomes excessive, they go beyond feeling suspicious about things that have not been proven by science, and end up feeling unbearably disdainful and disgusted.

段階3: 順応的段階 [ 外交官](The Conformist Stage)
順応的段階の人々は、外見、地位の象徴、物質的な所有、評判や名声といったものに大きな価値を置く。彼らは社会的に受容されることに関心があり、集団の規範に慣れようと試みる。彼らは他者からの意見や評価をとても深く心配している。「このことやあのことに関して、そして私自身に関して、他者はどのように思っているのだろう」。「~すべきだ(should, ought)」という感覚や、そうした「~すべきだ」が達成できなかったときに感じる恥ずかしさや面目のなさに、押しつぶされそうになることもある。 参考:【自我の発達:包容力を増してゆく9つの段階/スザンヌ・クック=グロイター】 https://integraljapan.net/articles/JTA2018EgoDevelopment.htm 

Points to note when practicing

Over the course of 20 years, I've explored an integrative approach to overcome complex challenges in practice. This process aligns with Integral Theory, a framework for embracing and transcending the many dimensions of life and consciousness. Essentially, it's a flowchart of essential considerations that I believe are critical when applying Integral Theory to practical experiences.

Related Articles:【About Project Design: Discussion & Guide】

In the project called life, as I refine the 'product' of 'myself,' I've formulated a question in my project design: "Which perspectives and understandings am I missing that are necessary to encompass and transcend these quadrants?" This question is carefully organized, signifying a commitment to confront divisions and oppositions directly, and to surpass them without reliance on psychological defense mechanisms. In doing so, I am cautious not to leave unresolved issues or to stray toward behaviors that may suggest the use of such defenses.