

About Emotional Contagion: Discussion & Guide: Automatic Transmission, Differentiation from Empathy, and Leveraging Its Influence

For me, it is the greatest interest and the deepest.
Reference:【Emotional contagion - Wikipedia】 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emotional_contagion

In this article, we provide links to all related information, from definitions to practical applications.


Emotional contagion means unconsciously mirroring others' emotions. It can unite or amplify group feelings. In 2014, during disaster recovery, I felt its deep pull, like navigating uncharted emotional territory. Its impact is vital in shaping businesses and life narratives.


In 2014, amidst a chaotic whirlwind reminiscent of dizziness and lightheadedness, akin to opening another's Pandora's box, I had a peculiar experience. Roughly a decade since that moment, I've identified the term I was searching for: emotional contagion.

Both positive and negative emotions can rapidly spread throughout a team or an entire organization, potentially influencing its collective mood, decision-making, and overall productivity. Just as a single drop of ink can tint an entire glass of water, the emotions of one individual can shape the ambiance of the entire group. Grasping this dynamic is paramount for leaders and managers. Nurturing a positive emotional environment can bolster collaboration, creativity, and commitment. Conversely, unchecked negative emotions might lead to diminished motivation, conflicts, and heightened turnover rates. Harnessing the power of emotional contagion can strategically position an organization to achieve its goals and sustain a healthy workplace culture.

What is Emotional Contagion?

Emotional contagion" refers to the phenomenon where the emotions of one person automatically, and often unconsciously, transfer to another person. This acts as a form of non-verbal communication among people and has an impact that goes beyond the mere sharing or imitation of emotions.
Related Articles:【What is Emotional Contagion?: Definition】 

To me, the power of emotional contagion is deeply related to key terms like "empathy", "psychological safety", and "inclusivity". Emotional contagion is positioned as a significant factor affecting the culture and performance of organizations.
Related Articles:【Emotional Contagion vs. Empathy: A Comparison】

Emotional Contagion: Chasing the Power and Mystery of Spread 

During my involvement in a disaster recovery project back in 2014, I deeply felt the effects of emotional contagion. As the recovery phase transitioned from addressing material needs to fulfilling desires for belonging and validation, the intensity of emotions was palpable. It became evident that mere physical provisions could not satisfy the deeper emotional needs present during that time.

At that time, it felt as if my consciousness encompassed the entire region. Was I intentionally trying to connect with this area, or had I inadvertently plunged into it? It seemed as though both were happening simultaneously. Furthermore, there was a sensation that unknowingly, I had been engulfed not just by the region, but by the entirety of Eastern Japan.

A bewildering emotion overtook me, making the very air around me, especially from my back, feel colder. Amidst doubt and turmoil, a chasm began to widen between my senses and the reality surrounding me. Trying to grasp two conflicting realities, my perception felt torn. A deep sense of betrayal towards what I once believed intensified my growing self-doubt. It felt as if I was lost in a labyrinth of complex emotions, with every path leading to more overwhelming despair. Amidst this devastation, a singular thought brought a glimmer of hope: "Perhaps the answers lie in the direction of hell."

When the pandemic struck with COVID-19, my immediate reaction was to pray, yearning for emotions to spread just as contagiously. Even now, in the realm of communication skill development, "prayer" remains a pivotal component.

Research is gradually unraveling the mysteries of hormones like oxytocin and the function of mirror neurons. Yet, I believe the depths of these connections remain unfathomable. I often say in jest, "If we can believe in entities like negative mass particles or magnetic monopoles, why not in an 'emotion' quantum?"

In my professional journey to master project design, the ripple effects of emotional contagion have undoubtedly become paramount. Even if it means risking short-term achievements, I couldn't afford to overlook this phenomenon. It serves as the foundational role in shaping better businesses, societies, and life stories.

Reference:【Make Yourself Immune to Secondhand Stress】 https://hbr.org/2015/09/make-yourself-immune-to-secondhand-stress
Reference:【Oxytocin - Wikipedia】 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxytocin
Reference:【Mirror neuron - Wikipedia】 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mirror_neuron

Emotional Contagion in the Field: Real-time Interpretation of Team Dynamics and Its Effects

I often ask myself questions such as: "Do I truly feel safe with my team?", "Do I genuinely believe that everything is okay?", "Can I accept things that are out of my control?", and "Am I overly idealistic, trying to dominate the environment?". Emotional contagion can occur unexpectedly, and seeking perfection in such circumstances is not realistic. 


Through understanding emotional contagion, I've deepened my comprehension of my own emotions and their roots. I've long held the belief that my preferences or aversions to certain atmospheres were influenced by external environments and the presence of others. However, by grasping the concept of emotional contagion, I've come to realize that these feelings and reactions are also intrinsically linked to my inner environment and deeper psyche. Delving into my character and psychological defense mechanisms has allowed me to better understand my patterns and responses. This insight has been invaluable not only in fostering empathetic relationships but also in cultivating a habit of continually checking boundaries between myself and others, ultimately enhancing my communication skills.

Related Articles:【Practicing Emotional Metacognition】 
Related Articles:【Practicing As-Is Analysis of Emotions】 

Psychological Safety:

Emotional contagion can rapidly spread doubts and anxieties, potentially undermining the trust within a group. This can subsequently elevate the risks and costs associated with decision-making. Maintaining psychological safety and managing emotional contagion is paramount. I always tune in to the emotional undercurrents within the team, constantly reflecting on the emotions that might be influencing me. What I value most is "acceptance", understanding the flow of emotions and their underlying causes, and recognizing the current emotional state. I believe this approach is key to enhancing organizational resilience.

Related Articles:【About Ways to Increase Psychological Safety: Discussion & Guide】
Related Articles:【About Acceptance: Discussion & Guide】 

Peripheral Areas of Emotional Contagion:

Enhanced emotional insight: By accepting emotional contagion, you improve your ability to quickly and accurately perceive others' emotions and states.

Improved communication skills: Understand emotions of both yourself and others, and strengthen your ability to communicate them appropriately.
Related Articles:【About Communication Skills: Discussion & Guide】

Deepened empathy: React more sensitively to the emotions and states of others, allowing for a deeper empathetic experience.
Related Articles:【About Empathy: Discussion & Guide】

Ensuring psychological safety: Accurately reading the emotions and reactions of those around you can enhance trust and safety within a team or organization.

Promotion of an inclusive environment: Accepting emotional contagion contributes to building a culture that promotes diversity and inclusiveness.

Training for Effective Utilization of Emotional Contagion:

Self-awareness: Initiate by actively observing and understanding your own emotions, pinpointing moments influenced by external emotions.

Knowledge Acquisition: Associate your experiences with the concepts and terminology of emotional contagion to grasp its influence on interpersonal dynamics.

Boundary Recognition: Develop the aptitude to discern and identify where your emotions end and those of others begin.