

Self-Identity: An Angle from Boundaries

Related Articles:【About Personal Boundaries: Discussion & Guide】

My body is not just a biological entity that exists inside my skin, but it also possesses a psychological aspect. Within this psychological dimension lies the 'boundary' that respects and integrates my feelings and opinions. This recognition of boundaries is deeply tied to the eternal question of 'What am I?'. It is also a journey in search of my 'sense of self-identity'.

Below, I will share some insights and realizations that I've gained from my understanding and practice:

Acceptance of the "Other Me" Within

Oftentimes, our identity is marred by the rejection of certain emotions, opinions, or values. By embracing these aspects, which the "usual me" might neglect or overlook, we deepen our understanding of our boundaries and truly grasp our sense of self-identity.

Related Articles:【Practicing Emotional Metacognition】
Related Articles:【Practicing As-Is Analysis of Emotions】

Dynamic Nature of Boundaries: Flexibility and Resilience

My boundaries can dynamically change, hardening or becoming flexible, much like muscles. Through stretching and appropriate stress, I've developed resilience and the ability to plan for change. I manage and accept the looseness, ambiguity, and uncertainty of boundaries. I believe this process is related to empathy that avoids co-dependency and the resilience encapsulated in the concept of GRIT.

In psychology, grit is a positive, non-cognitive trait based on a person's perseverance of effort combined with their passion for a particular long-term goal or end state (a powerful motivation to achieve an objective). This perseverance of effort helps people overcome obstacles or challenges to accomplishment and drives people to achieve.

Reference:【Grit (personality trait) - Wikipedia】 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grit_(personality_trait)

Recognizing What We Aren't Responsible For

You cannot take responsibility for the emotions of others. While trying to uphold my boundaries, there might be times when I inadvertently inconvenience someone else. However, no matter how hard we try, it's essential to understand that we cannot completely control nor take responsibility for another person's feelings. To compensate for any unintentional harm I might cause, I strive to act sincerely at the next opportunity. For now, I pray. My prayers were once requests to a higher power; now, they simply watch over.

Related Articles:【About Acceptance: Discussion & Guide】

The Dual Act of Dividing

Recognizing boundaries involves the act of "dividing" twice. It entails distinguishing between the inside and outside of a boundary and then mutual sharing. I feel this is linked to the cycle of separation, integration, and peace that we've experienced since before birth. The metaphor of "Wind God and Thunder God" was born from this inspiration.

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Related Articles:【Wind God and Thunder God: An Angle of Communication】