

About SECI model of knowledge dimensions: Discussion & Guide: Tacit Knowledge


The SECI model, focusing on tacit and explicit knowledge, provides insights into organizational behavior over decades.

In receptive moments, a spiritual axis emerges, orthogonal to our usual materialistic perspective.Tacit knowledge offers a balanced view when material success or amassed knowledge obscures true understanding.

Embracing this model doesn't guarantee immediate change; introspection can lead to apparent retrogression before sudden progress.

What is SECI model?

GPT-4's response:

The SECI model is a framework designed to explain the creation and conversion of knowledge, focusing on the interaction between tacit and explicit knowledge. This model was proposed in the 1990s by Japanese scholars Ikujiro Nonaka and Hirotaka Takeuchi.

SECI is named after the initial letters of the four interactions:

S (Socialization): Conversion from tacit knowledge to tacit knowledge. Through direct dialogue and empathy between individuals, knowledge and experiences are shared.

E (Externalization): Conversion from tacit knowledge to explicit knowledge. Using specific language or models, knowledge and experience are externalized and formalized.

C (Combination): Conversion from explicit knowledge to explicit knowledge. Existing explicit knowledge is combined to create new explicit knowledge.

I (Internalization): Conversion from explicit knowledge to tacit knowledge. Explicit knowledge is mastered through practice, and it is internalized as one's tacit knowledge.

This model serves as a framework for understanding how organizations and individuals acquire, share, and create knowledge.

The SECI model of knowledge dimensions (or the Nonaka-Takeuchi model) is a model of knowledge creation that explains how tacit and explicit knowledge are converted into organizational knowledge. The aim is to change the explicit knowledge of the model back into the tacit knowledge of the employees.

Reference:【SECI model of knowledge dimensions - Wikipedia】 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SECI_model_of_knowledge_dimensions

Practical Uses

I've come to appreciate the effectiveness of this model, especially when analyzing behaviors spanning several decades. When a particular group demonstrates suboptimal behaviors or outcomes, it's plausible to surmise that the cause is introspection, rather than mere stagnation.

Often, in those who are receptive, I sense an intelligence I'd like to term 'wisdom.' During such moments, I feel as though there's a spiritual axis, one that intersects orthogonally with the materialistic, realistic axis we're so familiar with.

This model underscores the inherent value of tacit knowledge. It came as a beacon when I was solely driven by quantifiable measures, motivated by profit, and sought definitive answers. It provided balance during times when I amassed unread books as mere symbols of knowledge.

It proves invaluable when navigating the challenges of depending solely on textbooks, especially when theoretical concepts in human-related sociological fields don't resonate with real-world applications.This model proposes a counter-narrative, aiming to dispel biases and uncertainties.

However, embracing tacit knowledge and this broader framework didn't bring instant change. The shifts influenced by introspection often seemed to move counterintuitively, perhaps retrogressing over a decade, only to surge forth unexpectedly. Such patterns led me to ponder whether others experience a similar trajectory. Could it be that surpassing this decade threshold propels one towards a self-destructive pattern?

Self-Exploration and the SECI Model: Reflections of the Inner Self and Transformations of the Outer World.

The Prism of Internalization and Projection

I had a "felt experience" related to the psychological concepts of internalization and projection. From my earliest memories as an infant, I suspect I internalized my experiences as if "imprinting them onto a film." Unknowingly, as I matured, I played back that "film," projecting my internalized beliefs and values onto the outside world. Unaware of this internalized reel, I perceived the projected world as my "reality," interpreting joy and anger as direct responses from the surrounding environment.

Life's Milestones and Inner Reflections

Every time I reach a significant milestone, it seems as though my inner self mirrors the larger events of the world, evoking images of fractal patterns. My pursuit of happiness, though rational at its core, is embarked upon with such purity and simplicity that it often self-destructs in its endeavor for equilibrium. In this quest, I inadvertently manifest the very situations I yearned to steer clear of.

Understanding the External World

Broadly, my initial fascination was with the external world, driven by an urge to understand its inhabitants and their perceptions, all rooted in a foundational unease. Though it might be a stretch, I liken my upbringing to the notion of "a soldier's daughter transforming into a merchant."

My childhood was enveloped in a business-centric environment, one that placed immense value on unwavering responsibility. I revered best practices, held the conviction that my outer world should move in harmony, and looked askance at any decline in performance.

Relative to others, my worldview leaned heavily towards "investing trust in future hopes and ideals." This perspective allowed me to value long-term goals, even if they might not promise immediate rewards. But this lens also sometimes obscured the broader picture.

Introspection and Self-Realization

There lies a chasm between action and mere observation. The path I believed I trod, the one I thought I grasped, only became crystal clear when the voices within me reeled me inwards. As my global sense of harmony faltered, I plunged into profound introspection.

With me at the nucleus, I incessantly stumble upon revelations in both the outer and inner worlds. Now, when pondering creativity, ideation, profound wisdom, product evolution, and paths to bliss, I theorize that my exterior world, mirroring my inner sanctum, might be experiencing a cyclical phase of self-destruction in its quest for balance, all to pave the way for renewal.

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