

Moment Log: From Wabi to Wisdom: My Path Through Business and Self-Growth

Gathering fleeting whims in a flash – here today, gone tomorrow, but its essence lingers on. 
In my journey through business, I've felt that human-centered and sustainable approaches serve as brakes against short-term perspectives. I hypothesize that lurking behind this is a destructive overzealous self-interest, driven by individuals with unfulfilled narcissistic desires in a business environment that prizes short-term evaluations and rewards.

When we delve deep into reality, we often come to recognize an immature version of ourselves that we might find hard to accept. Yet, that very realization is the perfect version of our true self. Understanding the existence of this perfectly realized but undesired self is the genesis of confidence. It's in the moment of deviating from expectations and aspirations that a sense of self-worth is born with a comforting assurance. This represents the first phase of self-realization, deeply connected with the concepts of resignation and the Japanese "Wabi."

For me, the indispensable emotion for confidence, self-esteem, self-affirmation, and self-acceptance is "trust." It's something I hold for myself, and also for aspects that I feel are different from me. This feeling of trust can be emotionally contagious to others. It manifests both internally and externally.

A lack of trust in the external world raises the risks of situations akin to the prisoner's dilemma. Similarly, in the inner world, one can experience internal conflicts and divisions. Overcoming this split and achieving unity within is what constitutes psychological safety for me.

Empathy played a pivotal role in my growth. My relationships with others and the internal struggles with myself have given rise to many realizations about my weaknesses and flaws.

For me, the insights that arise during the process of empathy are like KPIs in business. They cater to my need for recognition and also serve as indicators of my growth.

Following the storm of realizations, a serene sense of relief ensues. The resilience demonstrated during this time differs from mere endurance during stress—it exudes a more positive endurance, reminiscent of "Wabi" and resilience.

Emotional contagion for me is like the debug statements in programming. It's about interpreting the return values from the incoming signals and pinpointing the crux of the issue. To effectively handle this, I meditate. It's akin to zero-padding, settling the mind. Just as a bit sequence is padded with zeroes, my mind finds its peace. This indicates the emergence of emotions in spaces where they didn't exist before, capturing even the slightest changes as true or false.



一瞬の気まぐれを速攻で集めています – 今日はここにあって、明日には消えますが、そのエッセンスはどこかでずっと残ります。







