

What is a Double Bind?: A Definition


Related Articles:【About Double bind: Discussion & Guide】
Reference:【Double bind - Wikipedia】 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double_bind

GPT-4's response:

A double bind refers to a situation in psychology where two conflicting commands or messages are given simultaneously. When adhering to one command, it results in an error in relation to the other. This places the recipient in a state of confusion and stress, making any action potentially problematic.


A manager instructs an employee to "make decisions and act independently", yet simultaneously demands that "every action be reported and approved." If the employee acts independently, they might face reprimand for not reporting beforehand. Conversely, if they always report first, they may be scolded for not acting autonomously.

In such scenarios, the employee faces ambiguity regarding the appropriate course of action. Any move they make could potentially be deemed incorrect, making it challenging to decide on any action at all.

The feeling of "I must do it, yet I can't":

This sensation arises when there's a strong pressure to perform a task or action due to a sense of duty or responsibility. However, due to various reasons - be it a lack of resources, insufficient skills or knowledge, or external factors - the individual finds it impossible to complete the task. When trapped in this feeling, it's common to experience guilt, self-blame, stress, and anxiety.

Feeling of having no escape:

This sensation describes a state where challenges and problems appear regardless of the direction chosen. It's as if being cornered with no place to relax or find respite. This feeling is characterized by the perception that one's choices and freedoms are extremely limited.

Intense feelings of anxiety:

Intense anxiety is felt when one is overly concerned or fearful about future events or situations, to the extent that current actions or thoughts are dominated by these worries. This feeling can emerge suddenly, even without a clear cause, and is often accompanied by physical symptoms such as increased heart rate, sweating, and trembling hands. If persistent, it can disrupt daily life and work activities.